Our target is to place the right person to right job, to evaluate efficiently our human resources, to contribute to training and development, to increase loyalty and pave the way to career oppurtunities.
Equal Opportunity Policy
We treat everybody equally regardless of religion, language,race, gender,age,ethnicity distinction. By providing equal opportunities to all candidates in our recruitment process, we aim to employ the right person for the right job.
Equal oppurtunity is the basis for our human resource policy.
Recruitment Policy
The recruitment policy is to provide equal opportunities to candidates and allow them the oppurtunity to accurate way to employ.
Training and Development Policy
Education is an important element in the development of our employees and our company, we continuously invest in our human resources. Our education policy, our employees, is to support training needs to enable them to continue their task with high motivation and performance. With this approach personal development training and job / position-specific expertise are given to our employees.
Performance Management Policy
Employee Performance Management Policy to guide our common goals, targets to increase efficiency and to reward success. Competency-based performance management system is implemented in order to reach our company goals. Succession planning based on performance and career fiction is created. Pricing and processes are managed well deserved. Once a year to cover all our employees competency-based performance appraisal is applied.